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Thank you for your interest in helping at our Nearly New Sale on Saturday 23rd November 2024 (1.15pm to 3pm) to be held at St Edmund's Hall, Malvern College, College Road, Malvern WR14 3DF.

You can volunteer to help at the following sessions:

  Date Time Description  
Early Friday Set Up Friday 22nd November 2024 (Day Before Sale) 16:00 to 19:00 It would be really helpful to have a few volunteers arrive early to set up the rails and to organise the tables ready for Sellers arriving to drop off their boxes. You will not be expected to stay until the end of the evening (~8.30pm) but you are more than welcome to stay for the presale which will take place as soon as everything is set up. 4 helpers still required
Friday Evening Set Up Friday 22nd November 2024 (Day Before Sale) 17:00 to 20:30 Help set up the hall ready for Saturday's sale (set up rails and tables; unpack boxes, quality check and organise sellers' items in the hall). There will be the option to take part in a presale around 8pm when the sale is ready. 20 helpers still required
Saturday Sale Saturday 23rd November 2024 (Sale Day) 12:30 to 17:00 Help us with final sale preparations on Saturday afternoon, running the sale itself and with clearing up afterwards. There will be a quick presale for volunteers before the doors open to everyone else. 19 helpers still required