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Thank you for your interest in helping at our Nearly New Sale on Saturday 16th November 2024 (10.30am to 1pm) to be held at Arena Sports Centre, Westloats Lane, Bognor Regis PO21 5JD.

You can volunteer to help at the following sessions:

  Date Time Description  
Friday night set up Friday 15th November 2024 (Day Before Sale) 17:30 to 21:00 This session supports with: Setting up the equipment in the hall, making sure it is all quality checked and ready for the sale day
Saturday Morning Saturday 16th November 2024 (Sale Day) 08:30 to 13:00 This is supporting with the final set up and quality checks for the sale. Once complete there will be an opportunity for a pre sale. You will then be provided an allocated role for the sale to ensure it runs smoothly, this can be tills, shop floor, support network.
Saturday afternoon Saturday 16th November 2024 (Sale Day) 12:00 to 16:00 Supporting with the end of the sale and making sure there is a smooth pack down. Preparing rails for close down, getting correct items back to the sellers setting down the sale
Saturday ALL DAY Saturday 16th November 2024 (Sale Day) 08:30 to 16:00 Helping with the final quality checks in preparation for the sale. Opportunity to have a pre sale shop. Roles will be allocated on the day to support with the smooth running of the sale - these can include working on the tills, queue management, shop floor support.

We are able to accommodate a range of needs, so if there is anything you wish us to take into
consideration when allocating roles e.g. requiring a seated role, are pregnant or will have a young baby
with you, please let us know in the comments section, we cannot have children helping out at the sale due to
how busy they become and for health and safety. Sellers, as an extra incentive for helping, the
commission you pay on sold items will be reduced by 5 percent for every session you help at, meaning that
commission could be reduced to as little as 15% if you help on Friday evening, and for the full day of the