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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Seller at our Nearly New Sale on Saturday 16th November 2024 (10.30am to 1pm) to be held at Arena Sports Centre, Westloats Lane, Bognor Regis PO21 5JD.

The cost of registering to be a Seller is £5.00.

Anything you sell at the sale on the day will be subject to a 30% donation to NCT.

The following registration add-ons are available:

  Description Price
Baby Bundles donation This is a donation to the Baby bank that is run by the volunteers of the nearly new sale and supports families in need with items such as clothes, toys, books, toiletries and many more essentials. £3.00
Additional 100 tickets This allows you to buy 100 more tickets for the sale - allowing a total of 200 tickets to enter £2.00

To register as a seller you will need to pay a £5.00 registration fee, for which you may enter up to 100 items
in to the sale. This fee is payable at each sale you wish to sell at and is non-refundable if you cancel your
place with fewer than 14 days notice.

For a further £2.00, you may purchase an additional 100 labels (enabling you to enter a maximum of 200 items).

Once you complete the seller registration you will receive email confirmation of your place and seller
number, and instructions with regards to downloading labels and exploration of the seller guide. Reading the
seller guide is a must as it contains all the information you need to know to qualify to sell at the sale.

If you have sold with us previously and wish to enter previously labelled items, you may do so without
relabelling. However, unless additional labels are purchased, you can't enter any more than 100 items
including any previously labelled items. E.g. you purchase 100 tickets this time round, but you have 20 items
from a previous sale labelled up ready to go, you will only be able to 80 new items to enter into the sale.

For the most up to date information about the process of selling, it is ESSENTIAL that you review our
sellers' guide for each sale you sell at. This is downloadable from the following webpage:

Seller numbers are automatically allocated by our online system. Registering ensures that you retain your
preferred seller number, even if you are unable to sell on this occasion.
If you fail to register for 3 consecutive sales your number may be reallocated to someone else.

Sellers’ places are limited so if you subsequently decide not to sell please let us know by emailing us at: (you will still retain your number for the next sale).

AND FINALLY: When you register to sell you will also see an option to register to help. It takes a large
number of volunteers to ensure that these sales continue to run and we are grateful to all those who give
up their time to help (there are some incentives for doing so in the form of reduced commission rates on
items sold and the opportunity to shop at the pre-sale before it opens to the public).
So please help if you can, or get in touch if you have any questions about volunteering.

There are 36 spaces left.