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Thank you for your interest in helping at our Nearly New Sale on Sunday 29th September 2024 (1pm to 3pm) to be held at Rainham Mark Grammar School, Pump Lane, Rainham ME8 7AJ.

You can volunteer to help at the following sessions:

  Date Time Description  
Full day Sunday 29th September 2024 (Sale Day) 09:00 to 17:00 Set up sale, volunteer throughout the duration of the sale and pack down. 8 hrs. Reduced commission at 15% & early shopping
AM only Sunday 29th September 2024 (Sale Day) 09:00 to 13:00 Set up sale for 4hrs. Reduced commission at 25% & early shopping
PM only Sunday 29th September 2024 (Sale Day) 13:00 to 17:00 Volunteer throughout the sale (1-3pm) & pack down (3-5pm). 4 hrs. Reduced commission 25% & early shopping.
Set up and Pack Down Only Sunday 29th September 2024 (Sale Day) 10:30 to 17:00 10.30-12.30 & 3pm-5pm. 4hrs. Reduced commission 25% & early shopping.
Pack Down Only Sunday 29th September 2024 (Sale Day) 15:00 to 17:00 3-5pm. 2 hrs. Early shopping.

Everyone is welcome to join us as a volunteer at our sales, NCT membership or previous involvement isn't needed.

You should receive an automated email response once you have filled in your details which will take you through to
a confirmation page. After confirming this (and selecting WHEN you can help), you will receive confirmation that you
are registered as a volunteer.

Volunteers also get a reduced seller commission rate, 25% or 15% instead of 30%, have priority on registering as a
seller and the added bonus of shopping before the sale opens.

You probably won't hear from us about volunteering until a week or so before the sale when we send out full details
of the day, but this doesn't mean we don't want you - of course we do. Many hands make light work, and we don't
turn anyone away.

Jobs are given out on the day, but please let us know if there is anything you would like to do, or really wouldn't.
There is very little heavy lifting needed at this sale, we won't need to move heavy tables and chairs before or after
the sale. Similarly, if you will have a baby in a sling or a buggy that you need to go and feed/change, etc., we can
certainly accommodate you in a suitable role. Please let us know. I you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in
touch by emailing us at or message us through our dedicated Facebook page: