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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Seller at our Nearly New Sale on Sunday 29th September 2024 (1pm to 3pm) to be held at Rainham Mark Grammar School, Pump Lane, Rainham ME8 7AJ.

The cost of registering to be a Seller is £4.00.

Anything you sell at the sale on the day will be subject to a 30% donation to NCT. If you volunteer to help this will be reduced to 25%.

The following registration add-ons are available:

  Description Price
Printed seller labels Pre printed seller labels posted to you in time for the sale £5.50

If you register as a seller and need to withdraw, please let us know ASAP so we can offer the place on to other
sellers. Your money will be refunded if we can fill the place. Posted labels cannot be refunded.

All sellers are expected to read the following guide:

This sale allows you to sell good quality second-hand toys, books and equipment for under-11s and baby, children's
and maternity wear.
You keep 70% of the proceeds of your sold items (more if you volunteer on the day). The remaining 30% funds
NCT's charitable work supporting new and expectant parents in the Medway community and across the UK.

You do NOT need to be an NCT member to sell at the sale and, whether this is your first time as a seller or you
have sold with us before, you will receive a guide to our sales with a full list of permitted and non-permitted items.

Unlike a table-top sale, NCT Medway volunteers will manage the entire sale on your behalf. All you need to do is
provide your sale items on the day and we do all the rest.

Please note: these events are not jumble sales and items are still expected to be in excellent condition. Everything
has to be clean, safe and complete – almost new! Members of the NCT team will inspect your items prior to the sale
and will remove any unsuitable items from the sale.

We always have space for more volunteers on the day:

If you would like any more information about selling please do get in contact with us at or
message us through our dedicated NCT Medway Nearly New Sale page:

There are 7 spaces left.