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Thank you for your interest in helping at our Nearly New Sale on Saturday 7th September 2024 (9.30am to 11am) to be held at Victoria Halls, Sinclair Street, Helensburgh G84 8TU.

You can volunteer to help at the following sessions:

  Date Time Description  
Friday Night - Set Up Friday 6th September 2024 (Day Before Sale) 15:30 to 18:30 Helping to set up the Nearly New Sale ready for the sale on Saturday. This includes setting up tables, sorting out items, and preparing the venue, etc.
Saturday (shift 1) - Help during the NNS Saturday 7th September 2024 (Sale Day) 09:00 to 12:00 Helping during the Nearly New Sale ensuring the sale goes smoothly. Duties include tills, ensuring items are accessible for sellers, etc.
Saturday (shift 2) - Clear Up Saturday 7th September 2024 (Sale Day) 11:00 to 13:30 Clearing up after the Nearly New Sale ensuring that unsold items are sorted into their respective boxes, decorations are taken down and the rooms are left clean and tidied, etc.

Thank you for volunteering to help with our NCT Lomond Nearly New Sale - Autumn 2024. These sales are
organised and run entirely by volunteers and all help is immensely appreciated. Without you - these sales would
not be able to happen.

For those sellers who are able to volunteer for two (2) shifts or more* - please note, NCT will only take 15%
commission from all items sold. As always, the max NCT share is £15 (ie share is capped on prices over £50) for
all high value items regardless of whether you volunteer or not.

*Two (2) shifts means one on Friday and one on Saturday OR all day on Saturday.

The commission will be adjusted manually after the sale is over.