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Thank you for your interest in purchasing tickets for the NCT Watford Nearly New Sale (Table Top) and welcome to our online system. Here you can purchase the tickets by providing us with your contact and payment details.

After clicking 'Buy now', we will ask you to complete your contact details. We will then send you an email containing a secure link which will allow you to complete your purchase.

You are enquiring about the following event:

NCT Watford Nearly New Sale (Table Top)
Saturday 19th October 2024
2.30pm to 4pm
Croxley Green Baptist Church Hall
225 Baldwins Lane
Croxley Green

These are the available tickets:

  Description Price Availability
Table Booking - large, with floor space This booking includes a large table (180*90) and 1m floor space on the side for rails or large items. We provide the table but not rails. £20.00 Sold Out
Table Booking - small This booking includes a small table (90*90) with NO additional space on the side. We provide the table £10.00 2
Large Table only - no space This booking includes a large table (180*90) but no floor space. We provide the table. £15.00 1
buyer entrance Entrance ticket for one adult (children's entrance is free £2.00 Unlimited
flier distribution we will distribute 100 fliers to NNS visitors for you in goody bags for you to advertise your services £20.00 3

Thank you for your interest in the NCT Watford Nearly New Sales event. Please read below some important
information for our event.

For visitors/buyers

- Early entrance for NCT Members is at 2.15pm - please bring proof of membership.
- Please bring cash for any purchases and for entrance on the day.
- Entrance for children is free of charge and they are your responsibility. Please make sure that you supervise them
and that you are
responsible for their health and safety.

For Sellers

Expectations of the sellers
All sellers must follow the NCT Sellers' Principles. Before the event, make sure that you read this document:

You must only sell items that you own or that you have the express permission of the owner to sell.
Sellers must remove all unsold items, equipment and rubbish at the end of the sale.
If you bring your children with you, they are your responsibility. Please make sure that you supervise them and that you
are responsible for their health and safety.

Set up will be from 1.15. There is car parking at the church hall but we may ask you to move your car after helping
you to unload if we need the space for other sellers.

Seller fee
Your fee and the money raised at the event will help support parents across the UK. Read more about what we do as a
charity (
Places must be pre-booked and paid for through our online booking platform. Your booking is not confirmed until you
receive our confirmation email.
We will send you a seller’s pack no later than 14 days before the sale date. This contains important information about
the sale you are attending and tips to help you as a seller.

Type of Sale
Table Top Sales - We use this term to describe sales where you the seller remain present throughout the sale and sell
directly to buyers. As a seller at a NCT Table Top Nearly New Sale you will take home 100% of the sale price of items
you sell on the day.

If you cancel your place more than 14 days before the event, we will refund your booking fee. If you cancel your place
14 days or less before the event, a refund will only be offered at NCT’s discretion.

NCT cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to your property at the sale.

By booking a seller’s space you agree to NCT passing on your email contact information to a buyer if they wish to
request a refund. NCT are unable to accept responsibility for refunds.

At the sale it is important that you do not obstruct exits or walkways. Items must be displayed safely to avoid
If driving on site please take extra care as there are likely to be pedestrians using the site while unloading and loading.

If you are unhappy with your experience as a seller at our Nearly New Sale please speak to our local volunteer NCT
Nearly New Sale Coordinator in the first instance. Further information on NCT's complaints policy can be found here
Thank you for supporting NCT charity and reading our terms and conditions. We look forward to seeing you at the

For any questions or additional information please reach out to us through our email:

Important information - please read:

The safety of everyone attending our sales is our number one priority. Please do not attend the sale if you have COVID symptoms or are self-isolating.

By sharing attendee information with the NHS and tracing services when requested, we can help identify people who have been exposed to coronavirus and help trace close recent contacts of anyone who tests positive. By registering you agree to your data being shared, if it is requested.

Once you have confirmed your place you will receive an email containing important information. This information will help keep you and everyone at the sale safe. Please make sure you read and follow the guidance carefully.