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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Seller at our Nearly New Sale on Sunday 13th October 2024 (10.30am to 12 noon) to be held at Camelsdale Primary School, School Road, Haslemere GU27 3RN.

The cost of registering to be a Seller is £5.00.

Anything you sell at the sale on the day will be subject to a 30% donation to NCT.

Before registering to sell, please read the Seller Pack which is available at (scroll down to the grey 'Documents and Downloads' box at
the bottom of the page).

You cannot sell at our sale without having registered. There are limited seller spaces and these are allocated on
a first come first served basis. The seller registration fee is non-refundable.

COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION PROCESS. Please check your spam/junk folders and contact us if you do not
receive an email.

Once you have paid your registration fee you will receive a confirmation email providing you with a link to your
seller number.

If you are registering for the first time you will receive a seller number as part of this process. This will be your
personal number and will be used at any subsequent Haslemere and Midhurst NCT Nearly New Sales you sell
at, provided you have not missed more than five sales or changed your registration details. If you have
previously sold at a Haslemere and Midhurst NCT Nearly New Sale the system should allocate your correct
number to you, but if you have any difficulty registering please email the address below.

Sellers deposit their items at the school on the morning of the sale between 07:30 and 08:30 and must return
to collect any unsold items between 13:15 and 13:45 the same day.

By bringing items to be sold you are deemed to have accepted the NCT Nearly New Sale
Sellers' Principles: NCT
cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to items at the venue. Items are left at owners’ risk.

Items you sell at the sale will be subject to a 20%-30% commission to NCT, depending on if you volunteered and
for how long. This commission goes towards NCT's work locally and nationally to support people as they become
parents, through pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood. For more information on what NCT does, please visit Our aim is to pay you via Bacs transfer (which you can set up through this
online registration) within 4 weeks of the sale.

Please consider VOLUNTEERING to help on the day. We cannot run our sale without our wonderful helpers - so
to express our thanks volunteers are able to take advantage of reduced commission rates and a full refund of
their seller fee (detailed below), as well as shopping for items before the general public in our pre-sale.

*07:30 to 14:00 (6.5hrs), set up, pre-sale, sale and pack down - 100% seller fee refund, reduced commission rate
of 20%

*07:30 to 11:30 (4hrs), set up, pre-sale and sale - 100% seller fee refund, reduced commission rate of 25%

*09:45 to 13:45 (4hrs), pre-sale, sale and pack down - 100% seller fee refund, reduced commission rate of 25%

*07:30 to 09:30 (2hrs), set up - 100% seller fee refund, commission rate of 30%

*11:45 to 13:45 (2hrs), pack down - 100% seller fee refund, commission rate of 30%

You can let us know that you are able to volunteer as part of the registration process and we will then be in

For more information about selling, visit:

If you have any questions about the Nearly New Sale, please email

There are 11 spaces left.