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Thank you for your interest in booking a Baby First Aid course and welcome to our booking system. Here you can book a place on this course by providing us with your contact and payment details.

After clicking 'Book now', we will ask you to complete your contact details. We will then send you an email containing a secure link which will allow you to complete your booking.

You are enquiring about the following course:

Baby First Aid course (in-person) 19th October
Saturday 19th October 2024

The price for an individual booking is £65.00.

The price for a couple booking is £100.00.

The course consists of a single session (9.30am to 12.30pm).

Thank you for your interest in our in-person Baby First Aid course orgnaised in partnership with First Aid for Life.

First Aid for Life is an Award Winning fully regulated First Aid Training provider, their trainers are highly experienced medical and
emergency services professionals who will tailor the training to your needs. It can be scary being responsible for the well-being of a
new baby; this course is designed to reassure you and equip you with skills to calmly assess the situation and give the right first aid
when an accident happens. This course is extremely practical and you will have ample mannequins at the ready to enable loads of
hands-on experience.

This course will be adapted to the needs of those attending, but as a guide we usually cover:
Action in an emergency
Priorities if your baby or child appears to be unconscious
How to establish if they are breathing
Understanding the best time to phone an ambulance
Practical sessions on the recovery position and resuscitation (CPR)
How to put a baby and child into the recovery position
First Aid kits
Bleeding and Shock
Burns and Scalds
Head injuries
Febrile convulsions and fitting
Meningitis and Septicaemia

Practical info for the day:
This is a 3 hour course, please bring your own refreshments, and attend in comfortable clothing so you can move freely during hands
on practice. Non mobile babies are welcome to attend, but looking after them during the course might prevent you from participating
fully, so please make sure you have considered your own and your babies needs before making this decision.

If you would like to receive a certificate at the end of the course, please make sure your name is correct at the time of booking.

If you have further questions, please email Borie at

We are looking forward to welcoming you on our in-person Baby First Aid course!

Kind regards,
First Aid Volunteer at NCT Clapham and District