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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Seller at our Nearly New Sale on Sunday 29th September 2024 (10.30am to 12 noon) to be held at Brentwood School Sports Centre, Middleton Hall Lane, Brentwood CM15 8EE.

The cost of registering to be a Seller is £15.00.

Anything you sell at the sale on the day will be subject to a 25% donation to NCT.

The following registration add-ons are available:

  Description Price
Maternity Labels An additional 10 labels to sell maternity items £0.00
N Extra 30 non-clothing labels 30 additional non-clothing labels will automatically be added to your sellers pack. £3.00
C Extra 20 clothing labels An extra 20 clothing labels will be added to your pack. £2.00

Brentwood NCT's Nearly New Sales are very popular both to the sellers and buyers. Come along and
find lots of bargains. You do NOT need to be a NCT member to buyer sell. Everyone is welcome.

We take the quality of the items that are sold at our sales very seriously so please only sell items that
are in a good condition and not missing vital parts. We reserve the right to prevent sellers from selling
at our sales if they sell faulty or dangerous items.

Please note that £10 of this registration fee is a refundable deposit. As long as you sign in with the
Sellers Coordinator when dropping off your items for sale, this will be refunded to your card after the
sale. If you do not sign in with the Sellers Coordinator (regardless of whether you sign in with the
Volunteers Coordinator) you will not receive your refundable deposit back.

If you volunteer for the Sunday All Day slot or the Sunday Finance Room All Day slot, the sellers
commission will be reduced to 20%. To receive this reduced commission, you must:
-register for one of the all day slots on the Volunteers Registration, in advance of the sale; and
-sign in and out with the Volunteer Coordinator at the start and end of your slot.

PLEASE READ ON as there are a few changes compared to previous sales which you should be
aware of before signing up to the sale.

A summary of the CHANGES are

- Labels will be provided by email rather than by post - this means you will need to print your own

- The maximum number of items each seller can sell is limited to 30 Clothing and shoes - please only
sell seasonal clothes and 80 non clothing labels (unless you have purchased extra label packs -
these additional labels will be provided to you if you purchase these at registration).

- All items for sale must be dropped at the hall on Saturday evening between 6.00pm and 7.00pm -
no items can be accepted on Sunday morning.

Please try not to bring children with you when dropping items off, as we cannot be held responsible
for their safety in such a busy environment. If you do bring them, please ensure they do not run
around and keep out of the volunteers and other sellers way. as there will be lots of heavy boxes
being carried around.

To receive your sold labels as proof of sale, you will need to provide a stamped addressed envelope
when dropping off your items. These will be posted out once all the labels have been processed after
the sale. You will NOT be able to collect your labels on the day.

Your unsold items will need to be collected between 1.30pm and 2.00pm

A refundable deposit of £10 is taken at registration. This will be refunded to you after the sale,
assuming you turn up to sell items (& sign in with the Sellers Coordinator). We have had to increase
this deposit due to the high numbers of sellers who didn’t turn up to the last sale. This means other
people miss out on a seller’s place and less money is raised for sellers and the acheith.

Anyone not using the specific labels provided by Brentwood NCT for this sale, will have them
removed from the sale.

More details will be provided in your sellers pack which will be emailed to you nearer the sale along
with your pre numbered labels to be printed out.


The proceeds from your sales will be paid by BACS transfer directly into your bank account. All
information is held securely on this site -bank information is not viewable by branch volunteers.
BACS payments can take up to 2 weeks after the sale but we aim to send on the Friday after the sale
so they arrive in your bank account the following Tuesday.


If you are able to volunteer at the event as well, please continue to the Volunteer Registration section
once you have finished with the Seller Registration. Our sales are only a success and keep running
because of our wonderful helpers. Please do not bring children with you when volunteering - we
cannot be responsible for their safety in such a busy environment.

To reward you for your help, volunteers are entitled to hop before the sale in a limited pre-sale period
on the Sunday morning (usually around 9am). The sellers commission is also reduced from 25% to
20% for sellers who also volunteer to help during the Sunday all day slot or the Finance room all day


In order to maximise how much money you make at the sale, please spread the word to get as many
buyers through the door as possible. You can do this by:

- like, comment and share our Facebook and instagram posts.
- sharing our poster (which we will include in the Seller's pack email) with as many people as
possible. friends family, schools, nurseries baby groups etc.
-having an advertising board outside your house - we are partnering with a local estate agent - to do
this, please email your name, address and phone number to and we
will pass this on to the estate agents who will arrange the boards.


You should receive an automated email to confirm your registration within 48 hours. Please check
your emails to ensure that you are correctly registered. If you don't receive any emails from us please
check your spam folder.

If you still do not have an email, please get in touch with the NNS team on

You will receive a Sellers pack by email, which includes all the information you need to sell at our
sale, as well as 110 labels for printing - 30 for clothes and 80 for non-clothing (plus any additional
labels packs purchased.. You should expect to receive this by the end of August, If you register after
end of August we ill try to send your pack within a few weeks of registering.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE of your Seller Number as you complete registration. You will need this to
complete your labels. You can find it by clicking on the link to your registration you received
confirming your registration.

There are 49 spaces left.