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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Seller at our Nearly New Sale on Saturday 28th March 2020 (0am to 0am) to be held at .

The cost of registering to be a Seller is £2.00.

Anything you sell at the sale on the day will be subject to a 30% donation to NCT. If you volunteer to help this will be reduced to 25%.

This commission rate is reduced to 25% for sellers who volunteer to help with the sale for a minimum of 2 hours (sign in and verification by committee required).

Our March sale is for spring/summer clothing, toys, equipment, books, maternity wear.

The maximum age range for clothes is 6-7 years (anything age 7 years and over will not be displayed.

Please note sellers sold tickets will no longer be automatically returned to the seller. You will receive an email after the sale letting you know how many items you sold and the total due to you after commission. If you wish to receive an email photograph of your tickets please make the sale coordinator aware of this.

Our current Nearly New Sale coordinator is standing down in 2020. At present 2021 sales will not go ahead unless a team is in place to organise them. If you feel you can help please contact Kathryn on the email address below.

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